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Sunday, 26 February 2017

Bible Study: Colossians 2

Good morning dear,
Let's go into chapter 2 of the book of Colossians we are studying.
Paul began here by expressing the contest in his heart about the group of believers he hadn't previously visited, who hadn't ever met him. He was keen about having them see him but he can't be everywhere at the same time, hence the conflict. This tells us a lot about the gospel devotion of Paul.
These were not churches he planted but he was eager to water.
Chapter 2 explains why he was so keen to see them, it so that he can impart in them through teachings the knowledge and understanding of the mystery of God so that their hearts will be comforted.
There's a deep comfort we get when we are assured of and understand the treasures hidden in Christ not from us but for us.
The Greek word used for assurance in verse 2 is, plerophoria which translates into, 'entire confidence'. The knowledge of Christ should
fill us with confidence to face life's challenges. It should grant us faith to receive that which we desire in order to excel in life
It is therefore a shame and waste of life for us to receive Christ and not walk in the knowledge of his power. If we receive Christ and still live in fear and doubt about our future.
That was his point in verse 6. Being rooted and grounded in the knowledge if Christ is to make us also hard to be deceived by man's philosophy and traditions.
I keep saying it that the major setback of the gospel in our time is the propagation of church doctrine in favor of Christ gospel. If Paul was writing verse 8 today it could as well have read, 'beware lest any pastor spoil you through church doctrine that stands in contrary to the knowledge of Christ.'
For in Christ, everything of value in God are kept. Hidden away from proud unbelievers so that only the humble heart who comes to believe in heart and confess in tongue can enjoy.
We as humble believers are hence complete in him, being made to put on Christ. The humility with which we come to him is what grants the circumcision of heart which Paul often refer to.
I like it when Paul reminds us of the process through which Christ, (not us) went through in order to bring forgiveness of sins to us. See verse 11-13. Christians ought to be constantly conscious of this process. To keep knowing that forgiveness of our sins was not done by any effort of ours but born out of the matchless sacrifice of love by Jesus through the boundless grace in him.
We shall continue here tomorrow, my beloved.
Have a wonderful day of endless victories.

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