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Thursday, 30 July 2015

The Three Keys...of GRACE, FAITH and SACRIFICE by David Ogbueli

The devil has been defeated but only employs the instrument of ignorance to operate in the lives of people. Spiritual ignorance, not educational ignorance, is the greatest weapon of the devil.
The New Testament is not a call to obedience, but one to come and celebrate the obedience of Jesus. The key to taming satan and circumstances is
the Cross . If the New Testament is based on attainment, then the thief on the cross wouldn't have made heaven.
God has not called you to struggle. Christianity is not a struggle. You are not called to fight the devil and sickness. He has been defeated. Many Christians are struggling because of ignorance of grace.
The burden of religion is more than the burden of sin. The key to taming satan is the cross, but until a soul is saved, that soul is damned.
The three keys that will sustain belivers in the last days are grace, faith and
sacrifice . If nothing is there to hold, keep your faith in Christ. You are not under a curse; God is not angry with you; your sins have been forgiven.
I don't know why people lose their love for Jesus. Only if they knew what he did. God wiped out the punishments that sinful men would have borne when He offered His son, Jesus, to die on the cross. Since the sacrifice had been made, acceptance of man by God ceased to be based on work and till today, a man will only go to hell when he turns away from the grace, rejects Jesus and the redemption which He brought when he was hanged on the cross.

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