We would continue our Bible study this morning to conclude chapter 3 of Colossians
We stopped at verse 16 but I would lean back a bit into 15 where Paul says since we're all members of one body in Christ we are to allow our hearts be controlled by the peace of God.
The purpose of this is so that our fellow believers can be comfortable around us and be happy with us. So that we don't become a cancerous part of the body of Christ. This leads into 16 where he says we should also allow the word of God dwell richly in us. We need this to help us be useful to the body of Christ in teaching, and admonishing one another with wisdom. If we don't have adequate knowledge of the word of God then how are we to teach and admonish others with all wisdom?
A valid guide to to a christian daily life is dropped in 17, whatsoever we do, or say. Let it be in the name of Jesus. Remember Paul telling Athenians in the Acts of the apostles that in Christ we live, we move and have our being. He he restates it to the Colossians.
But how do we do all things in the name of Jesus Christ?
He simply meant that all actions and word from them must be put to the test of being in his glory. Since we are bought with a price, crucified with him and now live unto him, all things we do or say must be to his credit. We can no longer live to ourselves. We only then must do those things he wants us to do and say only those things he wants us to say.
As he did with the Ephesians in chapter 5, he does to the Colossians here. Giving them family guides. Wives must submit to their husbands as they would submit to the Lord. So a wife not submitting to her husband is equally not submitting to God.
Then husbands must love their wives and not be harsh with them. See that order we talked about last time? He followed it here too. Submission first then love can be.
Children are to obey parents if not for anything but to please God. So even if one doesn't like his parents or think they don't deserve to be obeyed, at least do it to please God. Fathers also have a role to encourage obedience from children.
A father must strive to earn the children's trust. He must make it easier for them to obey him by showing them by all means how his instructions and decisions are only guided by love and selflessness. His well meaning must be clear to all, then with that it becomes easy to be obeyed.
He then tells servants to serve masters as if they serve God. Not with eye service but with a sincere heart. This today applies to employees. This is because God gives a reward to faithfulness, even faithfulness to man, God rewards. This tells us that when we are faithful to our fellow man, God sees us and is pleased.
In 24 he tells us that even our service to masters translates into service to Christ. There is no favoritism in Christ. Faithfulness to mankind is faithfulness to God. This all stems from the position of love. If we love our brother then we can love God. John says in his first epistle, we have passed to life from death because we love the brethren.
God be with you today as you go out to win.
I love you plenty.