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Thursday, 16 March 2017

Bible Study: Colossians 3

Good morning love

We are resuming our Bible study of Colossians today.
My leave and trip to Enugu had meant there was no sense in a long distance Bible study.
I pray that the Holy Spirit brood over our understanding as we study this morning.

Paul began Colossians 3 on a frank note. His message here was straight to the point. If you are with Christ on high then act it. Simple. Don't take the awareness of being risen with Christ and keep it under your pillow while being occupied by what obsesses the world.
Only those things that are relevant to the kingdom of God should be on our mind to dwell on.
I would give you some references to better understand him here.
Remember Jesus telling his disciples in
Mathew 6:33 that they should seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness? That is what Paul was rephrasing here.
Remember dearly beloved John saying in 1John 2:15 that we should love not the world or then things therein? This is what Paul was trying to say. That if a man loves the world, the love of the kingdom is not in him.
One cannot be above and be enticed by the things below.

In Phil.4:8 this same Paul had admonished the church in Philippa likewise by listing for them what manner of things to set their minds upon. Whatever is honest, just, pure, lovely, etc. These are what we must set our minds on. This is because we are from a purer place than this world.
We should be kingdom and spirit minded. Doing only those things which help promote the kingdom.
We should live as if we don't own this life but Christ. Why? We are dead and Christ is now our life. Verse 4 says when Christ appears who is our life, our glory will then be seen by all.

Now Paul tells us something interesting in verse 5. Mortify our bodies. The Greek word for mortify as used in the original text was nekroo. It means to deaden or to benumb or subdue. It means for our flesh to feel nothing and enjoy nothing that is of this world. This is to live by the spirit. Remember Paul telling the Galatians that they should walk in the spirit and automatically they won't be subject to the flesh anymore. We can't kill the flesh if we don't concentrate on the spirit. We must first learn to embolden and liven up the spirit before we can benumb the flesh. In Rom.8:13 Paul says we live when we follow the spirit and die when we follow the flesh. So its down to us to decide how to carry on.
He went on till 9 in stating the activities of the flesh we must put away in order to live by the spirit. Then in verse 10, he says a simple mystery that has been known from Genesis. Our minds are renewed after the knowledge and wisdom of God himself who created us. This is what the unction from the holy one does that ensures we know all things. A close walk with the holy spirit does for us the wonderful work of being privy to the wealth of knowledge in God himself. What God knows, you can know because the holy spirit will tell you.
I digress a little here.

I round up today's study in 12-15. Paul tells us how to use the spirit to kill the flesh. He says it's as simple as exercising the fruits of the spirit which are mercies, kindness, meekness, long-suffering, forgiveness, and peace.
Above all, he says we should wear agape like a robe which is the ligament or tie that holds things together most perfectly.
In the absence of love none of all these other things will hold. They mean nothing because it would mean God is not present in it for God is love.

Finally, in 15 he says let the peace of God reign in our hearts so that we can be at peace with ourselves and the world and to be thankful.
We shall continue with the later part of this chapter tomorrow by God's grace.
Let the peace and love of God dwell richly in you today as you go about your business and let the blessings of God descend on all that you do.
I love you plenty.

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