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Thursday, 15 June 2017

Bible Study: James 1 cont.

Let's do our bible study for today.

I pray that the spirit of God opens our minds to the truth of His word as we study

We are continuing from verse 12 of chapter one.
James says that there is blessing for he that perseveres under trial because his reward is a crown of life from God.
The striking thing about this verse is that the crown of life is meant for those who love God. So how will it then be given to those who persevere under trial?
What correlation does perseverance under trial has with loving God?
Let me take you to the book of Galatians. Chapter 5:6 tells us that our faith as Christians works by love. If we do not have love, our faith won't work. Therefore, if one has persevered under trials which is a product of working faith, it is an evidence that that one has love. Because faith again works through love.
Does it make sense?

When temptation of the flesh is the nature of the trial the christian is going through, then the person needs to watch out for his own evil desires. James says God does not get tempted, neither does he tempt other with evil. In him there is no guile or evil, so it is not in Him to show evil to man.
If man who carries evil desires in his heart gives in to it, then sin is birthed and that sin in turn gibes birth to death.
This reminds me of the story of Cain just before he slew his brother Abel. In Gen.4:6-7 God saw what was in his evil heart. God warned him, saying, sin is knocking at the door of your heart right now. If you are wise, you will resist it and rule over it. Cain did not heed to that warning. He allowed the sin brewing in his heart to control him into committing the first homicide.
Today, that same voice of God speaks to everyone who is being tempted by his evil desires. That same voice keep telling us to rule over our desires so as not to fall into sin. But how many of us listen?
Often times, like Cain, we fall.

Every good and perfect gift comes from God. That is James' way of telling us that whatever evil desires in man's heart is not good and neither perfect. God is the one that gives riches and adds no sorrows. If we are tempted to wrought evil in order to get riches or something else we so desire, let it be known that it is not from God and will always come along with sorrows.
In verse 18, the Apostle speaks like Paul and Peter. 1Peter 1:23.
God has given birth to us by His words, this he did of his own will. We didn't compel him to, the devil did not force him to. He did it of his own will and he did it by his word, Jesus Christ. By so doing, we became the first fruit of all creation. We become preferred first to all he created. The restores the original order of creation. It restores the dominion Adam lost to the devil in Eden.

I pray that the wisdom of God will flood your mind today in all you do so that his power will be evident in you to all. Have a lovely day. God bless you richly, dear Livie.

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