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Thursday, 30 July 2015

Three Levels of Knowledge by David Ogbueli

Any human being that has their five senses working can access this first level. Most of the knowledge that form and govern human life, operates at this realm. People that operate in this realm are natural men. If all you can see is with your physical eye, then you are blind. If your ear is the only instrument you have for hearing, then you are really deaf. Discussions are going on now around the world but once you have the right receiver (cable TV, satellite decoder, mobile phone, etc.) you can decode it and give your ear mind-boggling abilities. We live in a world full of limitations.
I have done several intensive studies on men that have shaped the world. Several of them were
inventors or were notable for some great accomplishment. What amazes me about these men are that they usually have the ability to look beyond the senses into a higher dimension ― REVELATION.
Revelation is hearing, touching, and seeing the intangible. In the Bible, when Jesus says "Let him that has an ear hear , ", He's referring to this level of insight. If you can see the invisible, you can do the impossible. It is perceiving what is not obvious. The realm of creativity, inventions, prophesy, etc. operates beyond the physical level. The spiritual world is more real than the physical world.
If you cannot step beyond your head, reasoning or emotion, you will not go far in life. When you wake up on Sunday morning and your emotion tells you that you cannot make it to church, forget it, it's a lie. Why do things like this happen? Because in the physical world there is a lot of deception.
For example, If you see someone shivering at room temperature, there is something wrong. But with your natural eye even if the person is cut open, you won't see anything. Yet over time, doctors who have believed in the invisible, trust that if they can inject something into the person's blood that will exercise dominion over the sickness. That invisible thing causing the sickness, they now call pathogens.
The brain is divided into compartments. There is the right brain that operates in the level of revelation knowledge. This is the part of the brain inventors develop. While the left brain is what deals with the sense knowledge. This is what formal education develops.
People that become wealthy are people that can tap into the intangible. This is what people like the Jews have discovered. Real wealth is portable. The spiritual world controls this physical realm. And for any invisible phenomenon that men decode, they give it a name e.g. radio waves, bacteria, etc. The parts of the invisible they haven't yet decoded remains a mystery to them. In the past, such mysteries were revered as gods e.g. thunder, rain, giant trees, etc.
If Africa will develop, we have to move more of our people to this level of knowledge. Africa is still at the bottom of the world economic chart because for ages Africans have operated at the level of the things they can see. E.g. Congo DRC signed agreements during their struggle for independence, that everything below six feet was for the Belgians while things above that level were for the indigenes. Fifty years later, DRC Congo which for decades has been the world's richest producer of diamonds and other important natural resources in the world yet her indigenes still living in squalor. A big regret for generations to come.
A lot of things happen to people whose spiritual eyes are blind. The eye that sees the invisible is on your inside. In the realm of the spirit, your physical eyes are like a mere decoration. It takes people that can tap into the unseen to create products,
There are a lot of things hanging in the spiritual realm but many of us don't know how to download it.
The reason for the entrance of the Holy Spirit in your life is to give you the ability to ascend on high.
This is the third and highest level. This is the level where people's lives are changed totally. This level occurs at the Throne Room, at the Mercy Seat, in the Presence of God. This is the form of knowledge that feels like eating in the spiritual realm not just learning.

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