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Sunday, 2 August 2015

Jesus the Life by Charles Okenyi

Text: John 6:25-40
Memorise: "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life which the Sin of Man will give you. On Him, God the Father has placed His seal of approval." John 6:27.
Introduction: Life is defined as the animate existence of a creature, whether an animal, person or plant. Anything possessing life has these three
distinguishing manifestation.
(A) Growth through metabolism. This is total processing in living organisms by which tissue is formed, energy produced and waste products eliminated.
(B) Reproduction of their type.
(C) Power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
Note that vegetation has life, the above three principles operating in it, but not life as a soul as it cannot move about.
Jehovah God- The Source of Life
Life has always existed because Jehovah God, who is the source of life, is the living God, the fountain of life and He has no beginning or end of existence- Jer.10:10; Dan.6:20; John 6:57; 2Cor.3:3; Ps.36:9; Jer.17:13.
The first of God's creations was given life, namely, His only begotten son, the Word, Jesus -John 1:1-3; Col.1:15,19. Through His Son, other living angelic sons were created -Job 38:4-7; Col.1:16-17. Later, the physical universe was brought into existence -Gen.1:2. On the third of earth's creative "days" the first form of physical life -vegetation- came into being.
On the fifth day, living souls, sea animals and winged creatures were created.
On the sixth day, land animals and finally MAN were created.
From the above, no EVOLUTION ever took place. Life on earth did not have to wait for some chance combination of chemicals to occur under certain exact conditions. Life on earth came to be as the result of a direct command of Jehovah God, the Source of life and by the direct action of His Son in carrying out the command. Only life begets life. Things created brought forth offspring in their likeness -Gen.1:12, 21,25; 5:3.
Life of man and animals, therefore, is dependent first of all, on the life force started off initially in the first pair and secondly on breath to sustain that life force. Biological science testifies to this fact.
Jesus Christ - The Life
John 1:3-4; Col.1:15-17; John 3:16.
From the above texts, it is true that "salvation is found in no one else, for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12.
The life we seek on earth is in Christ Jesus. Biblical life is immortality, incorruption and divine life which are all qualities of God. God granted them for to Jesus and promised to extend them also to all those who become Jesus Christ's spiritual brothers through faith -Rom.2;7; 1Cor.15:53-54; Rom.8:10-11; 1Tim.1:17; 2Pet.1:4.
Divine life is eternal. Angels are spirit beings but not immortal. Wicked demons will be destroyed -Matt.25:41; Luke 4:33-34; Rev.20:10,14.
The life we seek can only be given to believers after the death of our and judgment -Heb.9:27. How we live in this world is only a preparation for the next after the first death, life or damnation.
God's original purpose for creating man was for us to live eternally, when Satan frustrated this purpose, Jesus was sent to put all things back to God's initial plan. He had to die for us that whosoever believes in Him is restored back to eternal life, thereafter.
Cling on to Christ. Meditate on the following texts. Matt.6:19-21; John 14:5,9,19; 11:25-26; 10:10b; 8:52; 6:35,48,50-53,63; 15:5; 6:29.
Life in earth may offer many choices because it is temporal. Life  eternal presents only one choice -Jesus Christ- who is alive forever. Wherever you end up eternally is a function of whatever choice you make in this present life. Make the right choice TODAY as there will be no second chance in the grave. Safeguard your heart -Prov.4:23; Matt.15:19-20; Rom.8:6.

Jesus Christ surely is the WAY to eternal life: He is the whole TRUTH and knowing the Truth shall set you free from Adamic sin and restore you back to the LORD'S original plan for creating you -eternal LIFE. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

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