Text: Psalm 12:1-8
Memory Verse: "Everyone lies to
his neighbor; their flattering lips speak with deception." -Psalm 12:2.
Truth in the Bible designates that
which is firm, trustworthy, stable, faithful, true or established fact. It is
anything which stands in contrast with falsehood or unrighteousness and denotes
that which conforms to fact or what is right and proper. (Ex.18:21, Eccl.12:10,
Jer.9:5, Mark 5:33, Luke 4:24-27, Rom.2:8, ICor.13:6, IJohn 1:6,8)
In our world today we have modified
truths, half truths, white lies, black truth and agreeable lies. Most
relationships, partnerships and covenants exist on false premises. Plaintiffs
and defendants who
swear to speak "the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth" in our courts before giving evidence do the direct
Everybody is saying one version of
the truth or another. What does the Bible teach us?
Jehovah, The God of Truth
Our Father Almighty, Jehovah is the
God of truth -Psalm 31:5. He is faithful in all His dealings. His promises are
sure for He cannot lie -Num.23:19, ISam.15:29, Ps.89:35, Titus 1:2, Heb.6:17,18.
He judges according to the truth,
that is according to the way things really are, and not on the basis of outward
appearance -Rom.2:2, ISam.16:7, John 7:24.
Everything that emanates from God is
pure and without defect. His judicial decisions, Laws, Commandments and Words
are truth. They are always right and proper. They stand in opposition to all
unrighteousness and error. (Neh.9:13).
The creative works of God testifies
to the fact that God exists. But men over the ages made idols and worshiped
them. Being no real, idols and gods are untruth, a lie or falsehood
(Jer.10:14). This falsehood of idolatry led men into all kinds of degraded
practices. (Rom.1:18-31). Man's sinfulness makes God's truthfulness stand out
-Rom. 3:5-8.
Jesus Christ is the Truth
Like His Father, Jehovah, Jesus
Christ is "full of Grace and truth" -John 1:14, Eph.4:21. While on
earth, He always spoke the truth as He has received it from the Father -John
He committed no sin nor was deception
found in his mouth -IPeter 2:22. Jesus represented things as they really were.
Beside being "full of truth", Jesus was Himself "the Truth"
and the truth came through Him. He declared, "I am the Way, the Truth and
the Life." -John 14:6.
Apostle John wrote, "The Law was
given through Moses, grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ"
-John 1:17. This doesn't mean in any way that the Law was erroneous. It too was
Truth, conforming to God's standard of righteousness, holiness and goodness
-Ps.119:151, Rom.7:10-12. However, the Law served as a tutor leading to Christ
-Gal.3:23-25; and had a shadow or prophetic picture of greater realities
-Heb.8:4-5, 10:1-7.
Therefore, though the Law was
truthful but not the full truth, it had to give way to the realities it
foreshadowed -Col.2:16,17.
The Truth came to be through Jesus as
He put all things through the realm of actual Truth. As He is the reality,
(John 5:39-40) Jesus is "THE TRUTH". He fulfilled all of God's
promises to the Jews (Rom.15:8).
Those who desire to gain God's
approval must walk in the truth. They must worship and serve Him in spirit and
truth -John 4:23,24.
The Christian congregation must
through fine conduct, manifest the truth in their lives. We must embrace the
truth to set ourselves free from the devices of Satan, the father of lies -John
8:32,36,44. Jesus says no one comes to the Father except through Him, the
Truth. Therefore, having found the Way by choosing to follow Jesus, abide in
Him as "except those who stand till the end will be saved." -Matt.24:13.
Always let your "Yes" mean
yes and your "No" remain no -Matt.5:36-37.
Surely, the Truth shall make you
free. Amen.
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